Walkway to Victory
The Airborne Museum in Sainte-Mere-Eglise is just completing construction, in which the walkway was relocated to another location at the museum. We are accepting and processing new brick orders. We are anticipating our next installation to be Fall 2024.
Thank you for your patience, supporting our Veterans, and the Walkway to Victory!
The Airborne Museum’s Walkway to Victory Memorial brick program is a special place dedicated to honoring and remembering the veterans who served in the European campaign of World War II (including North Africa). It is a place to permanently express our gratitude for the service of those veterans. Those honored include all branches of the United States Armed Services.
The Walkway to Victory Memorial is located in Sainte Mere Eglise, France at The Airborne Museum, and is dedicated especially as a Memorial to the men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Grateful citizens are encouraged to recognize and remember anyone who has served regardless of where they are from or lived. Many will also want to commemorate their own service. The primary goal is to recognize as many people as possible... Lest we never forget.
Note: Proceeds from your Walkway to Victory brick purchase will benefit the Reagan Legacy Foundation and help to further educational programs honoring WWII Veterans.

Walkway to Victory Stories
Onofrio "Nono" Zicari returned to Normandy for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings and the Battle of Normandy. This was his first time back since the war ended. During his visit, "Nono" went to the grave of his good friend, Donald Simmons. Donald Simmons' family happened to watching ABC News, which aired Nono's visit to his grave. It was pure joy to see their brother's comrade going to his grave after 75 years. When I told Nono about the brick, he laughed and laughed. Nono said, "I appreciate it so much. This is a very kind gift."
Stan Friday was an Army Scout in the 80th Infantry Division, who on several occasions engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the Germans. He received the French Legion of Honor Medal from French President Macron at the Omaha Beach Ceremony on June 6, 2019. President Macron mentioned Stan Friday several times in his speech. When he presented him the medal, President Macron whispered in his ear, "I've read your information and I know what you did for France." When I told him about the memorial brick he said, "All I can say is Thank You! It's nice to know we aren't forgotten for what we did."
Harold McMurran was on Utah Beach on D-Day and fought all the way through France and Belgium. He said the cold during the Battle of the Bulge was unbearable. "Not far from Utah Beach, we had to fight off thousands of Germans before Montgomery quit drinking his tea and came to help! I bet 200,000 got away," Harold stated. He was very emotional during the 75th Anniversary and said, "I didn't realize the burden I was carrying until this trip."
When I told him about the brick he started crying. "It means a lot to know he people think so highly of us," he said with his voice cracking.
Harold said, "Years after I left the military I had a hate for the Germans who I fought against, but I learned that hate only made my life unhappy. I learned to forgive and live a happier life."
Henry Boyd is one of the most patriotic men I've ever met. He has made his community better by organizing ceremonies to honor our veterans. Henry was a gunner on a B-24 and flew bombing missions over Normandy on D-Day. He flew 31 missions all over Western Europe, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland...etc. When he was told about the brick he said with many tears,"I needed this! This has made my day." This brick gives him peace.
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